Tataouine disappointingly really doesn’t have a lot to offer. Stayed at a slightly fancier hotel since it was my birthday! Walked around town a little but mostly stayed at the hotel with “the soldiers” (beer). Jen bought me a cool “Jedi” robe that all the older locals wear, Jamie got me 2 local hats, drank peach cooler that was in a champagne-style bottle, and even got a cake!! What nice friends… and a memorable birthday.
In the morning Jen and I set out to go check out one of the towns we missed from the previous day’s tour that fell through (called Ksar Ouled Soltane… while Jamie had a second go at the Hamam)… has these really unique buildings where they used to store oil and grain as far back as 400 years ago (also used as the slave quarters in the newer Star Wars). Very neat to look at. Was gonna cost us 40 – 50 dinar for taxi or private car, but we managed to hunt down a Louage both ways and it only cost 6 instead (probably would have been disappointed for that price). Must admit it fealt weird standing there with no cars passing at all, wondering how we’d get back to Tataouine… but of course it always works itself out.
Just as we were standing back in front of our hotel in Tataouine looking for a cab to take us to the Louage station, a louage stopped and asked if we were going to Jerba. How perfect is that. Turned out to be the nicest driver we’ve had, and took us right to the youth hostel where we currently are staying!
Libya… currently it’s looking like it might actually be a go. But it’s changing on an hourly basis… So far we’ve probably spent over $50 on phone calls to England, Libya and Tunis, and Jen has been great working hard to get it organized (did I mention she’s the co-ordinator on the trip? Jamie’s the official time keeper, and I’m the “math and music guy”). If it does all work out, we’ll be hopping on a tour bus probably on December 5th back down in Matmata, and heading to Tripoli… Jen’s cursing at her computer right now, looking up stuff for the tour…