After a night in Walvis Bay (which included a second walk up Dune 7, and the demise of my second camera of the trip) back to Solitaire, this time indulging in a piece of Africa’s best apple strudle (it could…

After a night in Walvis Bay (which included a second walk up Dune 7, and the demise of my second camera of the trip) back to Solitaire, this time indulging in a piece of Africa’s best apple strudle (it could…
Swakopmund is a very tourist-friendly town with an array of possible activities from sandboarding to skydiving, as well as plenty of shopping (assuming you don’t show up on a Saturday afternoon like we knowingly did… like many other spots in…
Anyway, Did the 100kms south from Naua Naua Guesthouse (near Etosha) to Outjo and stopped for breakfast, another 100 paved kms west to Khorixas. Thought maybe we’d spend some time touring around the attractions in the area that afternoon, but…
Etosha has been around amazingly since 1907 (ie. 100 years old this year); it’s around 200kms wide by something less tall (maybe 70-80kms??) and a good portion of it (maybe 25%) is nothing but a massive, flat (called the “pan”)…
Left Walvis Bay shortly after lunch, stopped in Swakopmund briefly knowing we’d be back to the coastal area after our tour through the north, did the 400kms to Windhoek (pronounced “Vindhook”), Namibia’s capital city, arriving shortly after dark. Windhoek is…
Backtracked 100km’s directly east out of Luderitz to a small town called Aus, then against a number people’s advice, took the north turn off to start the 650km dirt road adventure up to Walvis Bay (broken up over 2 days,…
Loooong straight road from Keetmanshoop to Luderitz (paved) with the Restricted Diamond Area on the left southern side, and the edge of the Namib desert on the right northern side. Got into the sandy stuff for the last little bit,…
Pulled into Karasburg right around 2pm; the idea was to stop for cash and fuel, then go another couple hundred K’s to get to the Ai-Ais Hotsprings at the Fish River Canyon. No sweat getting our fancy little car through…